‘타고난~’ 영어로!

새로 지어진 / Newly remodeled
We’re visiting the newly remodeled campus of Yonsei University.

A born leader / 타고난 지도자

He was a born politician / 정치 잘하는 사람 (말도 잘하고 사람들과 의사소통을 잘하는 사람)
(=He’s good at sympathizing with others)

He was a born performer / 춤, 노래도 잘하는 사람 (마이클 잭션 같은 사람)
He was a born communicator

Innate / 타고난 (수준이 높은 영어표현)

He possessed an innate musical talent
He had an innate talent for communication
Prodigy / 신동
He was a world-famous musical prodigy