1. 낚였다
He fell for it!
I fell for his trick
I didn’t fall for it  (나 안 낚였어)

2. 믿었다
He bought it! (그 친구는 믿었다)
He didn’t buy it ( 그는 믿지 않았다)
예시) 선생님한테 아프다고 뻥치고 조퇴할 때,ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

I told the teacher I had a doctor’s appointment and that’s why I missed class,
but she didn’t buy it (선생님이 안믿지~)

3. 낚시와 관련해서 낚였다는 표현
He bought it, hook, line and sinker! (그는 바로 낚였다)
I tried to fool him, but he didn’t buy it (내가 뻥칠려고 했는데 안속네)

4. 낚였다의 좀 딱딱한 표현 (친구끼리 가볍게 쓰는 표현 아니고, 이혼법정(?)에서)
I decedived him
she deceived me