[오늘의 표현] Back in my heyday

한창때 Heyday
내가 한창 잘나갈 때, 사람들은 항상 나에게 사인해달라고 요청을 했었어
Back in my heyday, people used to stop me for autographs all the time.
내 전성기 시절엔 반에서 1등이였어. Back in my heyday, I was number one is my class.

* 추가 표현 *
At the height of ~ 이 정점일 때~
At the height of his powers 그의 영향력이 최고일 때

At his peak 그가 한창일 때
그가 한창일 때 1년에 콘서트르 100차례 이상 했어. At his peak, he was doing more than a hundred concerts a year.
At her peak, she she was making three TV appearances per day.