1. I really need to be going.
나 진짜 가봐야겠다.
2. Stay warm.
따뜻하게 지내.
3. Stay in touch / Keep in touch.
4. Okay! Contact me later.
그럼 나중에 연락해.
5. Merry Christmas!
6. Happy holidays!
7. Peace out!
8. Take it easy.
쉬엄쉬엄 해.
9. Take care.
잘 지내.
10. Keep it up! / Keep up the good work.
11. Please keep me updated/posted.
소식 알려줘.
12. Safe travels.
조심히 가.
13. Drive safely.
운전 조심해.
14. Have a safe trip back to ~.
~까지 조심히 가.
15. I will miss you.
보고 싶을 거야.
16. Have fun! Have a blast!
재밌게 놀아!
17. Good luck!
행운을 빌어!
Wish me luck.
행운을 빌어줘.
18. So long!
19. Farewell!
잘 지내세요!
20. I wish you the best.
잘 되길 바라.
21. Love you.
22. Until next time.
다음에 볼 때까지 잘 지내.
23. Ciao! Adios!
24. Sincerely, Best Regards, Love, Blessings…
(이메일이나 편지를 끝내며)
25. Bye! / Bye bye!
(통화를 끝내며)