1. 주문할때, Can I get a ~
Can I have a ~
I would like a ~
One Iced Americano please ~ 요렇게도 괜찮아요~
※ Give me somthing (X) 제발 사용하지 마세요!! 정말 예의 없는 표현.
2. How may(can) I help you? 뭘 도와드릴까요?
What can I get you? (좀더 캐쥬얼한 표현)
What will you be having?
What will you folks be having today?
3. I still haven’t made up my mind. 아직 생각중이예요
I need a little more time. (please)
I’m still deciding. (what I’m going to order)
I’m still thinking.
※You go ahead. I need a littel more time. 먼저가세요~ 저는 시간이 좀 필요해서요~
※ Wait! (X) 이런 표현 사용하지 마세요!!
※ Please wait (X) 이렇게도 사용하지 마세요!!
※ I’ll go with a/the 난 뭘로 할께
I think I’ll go with the~
4. I’ll have what he’s having. 나도 이 친구와 똑같은거 주세요.
I’ll take one of those too.
Let me get one of those too.
※ Me too (X) 이런 표현 사용하지 마세요!!! ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
5. What would you recommend? 추천해주세요~
What are some of your most popular drinks? 가장 인기 많은거 중에 추천해 주세요.
What are some of your bestsellers?
What are your specialties?
The specialties of the house are…
※ It’s on the house 이건 서비스입니다.
6. Have you been helped? 도움 받으셨나요?
Are you two together?
Is he in your party?
※ We’re in the same party. 같은 일행입니다.
7. That’ll do it. 그정도면 된 것 같아요.
I’ll just have a/an ~
No, Thanks. That’ll do it.
8. I’d like that to go, please. 가지고 갈께요~
Could you wrap that up for me?
Can I get that to go?
※ Take out vs to go
Let’s get takeout 밖에 나가서 먹자
주문할때는 to go (Take out은 주문할 때 안써요~)
9. Can you make that extra strong for me? 좀더 강하게 해줄 수 있나요?
Can you add an extra shot for me?
Can you make that extra spicy for me?
Can you make that extra mild for us?
I’d like a skinny latte.
Can you make that with low-fat milk?
※ Do you guys give free refills? 리필 되나요?
Can I get a refill?
I’d like a refill, please
Can I get a refill on this?
※ I’ll go with the usual. 평소에 먹던걸로 주세요
10. This isn’t what I ordered! 제가 주문했던 것과 다르네요.
I think you got my order wrong.
I thought it would be~
I thought it would be bigger. 저는 좀 더 큰 걸로 생각했네요…
I thought it would be stronger.