[오늘의 표현] That guy always procrastinates untilt he last minutes.
1. Put off

Let’s put this off until next week.
How about putting this off until tomorrow?
Stop putting things off util tomorrow.
Don’t put it off!
I kept putting off the decision.

Your’re just putting off the inevitable!
그렇게 살지마
**inevitable 불가피한, 필연적인 (by 옥스포드)

I kept putting off the moment I would have to fire my friend.
I kept putting off the moment I would have to say goodbye.
2. Postpone
My departure was postponed.
내 출발이 지연되었다.
**departure 출발 (by 옥스포드)

the delivery was postponed.
I postponed it.
I postponed the meeting until four.
3. Procrastinate
Don’t procrastinate!
That guy always procrastinates untilt he last minutes.
+ 4. Dilly-Dally 왔다갔다 하는 모양 (미루다 + 망설이다)
Stop dilly-dallying!